Want to get free stuff on the internet without doing much? Well, it's pretty easy. I'm going to tell you about a few sites that you earn points to get free stuff on. For the best results, you should use both of these sites to maximize your gains.
First off, we have http://www.rewards1.com/495775. This site is probably the easiest to get a good start on. First, go to videos and open a bunch of tabs watching the sponsorpay videos. Next, do the rewardTV offer. Do all the click offers for matomy and peanutlabs under coin offers. Also, search using the search bar at random times. Searching will occasionally give you points. Next, clear out all the tasks. This should give you a very good head start.
Then, we have http://www.prizerebel.com/index.php?r=641235. This one is the best for prize redemption times and general offers. Here is a great guide on how to easily complete offers and get them to credit; http://forum.prizerebel.com/index.php/topic,7094.0.html. This applies to the Rewards1 offers as well.
There you have it. You, too, can get free stuff by fucking around on the internet. If you decide to join these, you can PM me and I may be able to point you towards some easy credit offers.
I will have to check it out! Thanks for spreading the word!